The Health Insurance Marketplace is where you and your family can shop for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. To assist you with this often difficult process, Greene County General Hospital is proud to offer our Patient Navigators Zephrell Usrey and Kelly Rawlins.

Our Navigators work out of GCGH and are ready to help. The Navigators can be reached at:

When you come to your appointment, please know:

  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Monthly Income (pre-tax)
  • Number of people in your taxable household (dependents and spouse) and their Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, and any income they might have.

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Dates to Remember

November 1: Open Enrollment begins.

December 15: Open Enrollment ends.

December 31: Marketplace Plans end coverage.

January 1: Marketplace plans begin coverage

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is the ONLY time to enroll in a plan, change plans or apply for cost assistance for the ENTIRE year. The exception to this is Medicaid/HIP; eligible patients are able to enroll in these programs year round. 

If you are already enrolled, it is important to check your coverage at this time. Not all plans auto-renew, and it may be necessary to renew or change your coverage.

Special Enrollment

Qualifying events may allow you to enroll outside of Open Enrollment. These events include:

  • Having a child
  • Losing Health Insurance
  • Marriage/Divorce
  • Moving to a New State

If you qualify, you have a 60-day period to enroll.

Coverage Defined

You are considered to have health insurance coverage if you have:

  • Medicare Part A or C
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • Any Job-Based Coverage
  • VA health coverage

Some other kinds of coverage qualify. Please ask your Navigator for more information.

Greene County General Hospital is a Gateway to Work partner!

Beginning in 2019, some HIP members will be required to work, go to school, volunteer, or participate in other qualifying Gateway to Work activities up to 20 hours per week for at least eight months per year.

For more information and answers to frequently asked Gateway to Work questions, click here