Pink ribbons…walking for a cure…lumps and radiation…what is all this really about?
Specifically, breast cancer.
Every year in October, we work extra hard to make sure you are thinking about it and taking care to prevent it.
But what IS breast cancer? More importantly, what is cancer in general?
Every day, your body’s cells grow, die, regenerate and generally keep you alive. When they malfunction, they can grow out of control. This is cancer. Sometimes it presents as a malignant tumor – a mass of extra tissue made up of those abnormal, out of control cells.
The American Cancer Society tells us that most cancers forma s a tumor (others, like leukemia or blood cancer, do not). When that happens in breast tissue, we can find it with a simple screening – a mammogram. We can even use 3D technology to find cancerous masses when they are just beginning. And that early detection means longer lives.
Keep following our blog to learn more about breast cancer prevention and detection as we support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget, if you or a loved one needs to get a mammogram, October is a great month to do it. All patients who choose 3D mammography will receive a free fleece throw as a thank you from our family to yours.