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Labor & Delivery

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Contact Labor & Delivery

Patients can access OB by
checking in through registration 
Located at:
1185 N 1000 W, Linton, IN 47441
  • Labor and Delivery

  • Post-Partum Care

  • Lactation Nurses

  • Perinatal Nurse Services

  • Non-stress tests

  • Bedside Ultrasounds

  • Newborn Testing including Critical Congenital heart defects, hearing screens, blood tests for metabolic disorders.

  • Patient education including but not limited to breastfeeding,  bottle feeding, safe sleep, self and infant care

  • All OB Nurses are NRP certified, 3 NRP instructors on site

  • All OB Nurses are BLS and ACLS

  • All OB staff are certified in S.T.A.B.L.E.

  • All Respiratory Therapists are NRP and S.T.A.B.L.E. certified

  • Special Celebration Dinner for Mom and her support person

  • All Moms receive a diaper bag filled with self-care and infant care items and a playpen to promote safe sleep

  • Newborns “room in” with their mothers to encourage bonding and help families learn their newborns “cues”

  • Greene County participates in AIM, Blue Distinction Center for Maternity Care, INSPIRE Hospital of Distinction

Perinatal Navigator Department


Nikki Page, RN, BSN, IBCLC

Nikki Page, RN is a Registered Nurse and Greene County’s Perinatal Navigator. She serves families of Greene County to help them have healthy pregnancies and babies. This is a free program through the Indiana Rural Health Association funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration. The program is open to families during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and until the child is 18 months old. Nikki is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant. Her office is located in the My Linton Clinic.  For more information call 812-847-4481 ext. 7158 or text 812-665-0311


Peyton Goodwin, LCSW

Peyton Goodwin, LCSW, is Greene County’s Perinatal Social Worker through the Healthy Start Communities that C.A.R.E. program. Peyton graduated from Linton- Stockton High School in 2015. She went on to pursue her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Social Work at Indiana State University. Peyton is a licensed therapist that has a background working with individuals and families. She enjoys being outdoors and planting. Peyton has a passion for helping those with their mental health needs and ending the stigma.

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