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Non-Discrimination Policy

Non-Discrimination Policy
We believe that each of our patients has the right to be cared for with respect, dignity, fairness, and compassion regardless of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, or sources of payment.
Notice Informing Individuals About Nondiscrimination Requirements
Greene County General Hospital and its subsidiaries comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Read the full notice: Non-Discrimination Policy.
Limited English Proficiency of Language Assistance Services
ATTENTION: If you speak Limited English, translations services are available to you free of charge. Call (812)-699-7948 for assistance.
For assistance in the following languages: العربية (Arabic); Burmese;繁體中文 (Chinese); Nederlands (Dutch); Français (French); Deutsch (German); हिंदी (Hindi); 日本語 (Japanese); 한국어 (Korean); Pennsylvania Dutch; ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi); Русский (Russian); Español (Spanish); Tagalog (Filipino); Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
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