According to a quarterly report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published on the Hospital Compare website at,Greene County General Hospital ranks high in several hospital performance categories relative to state and national performance standards. In communication engagement measures, “communication with nurses,” GCGH ranks 3rd in the state (out of 97 participating hospitals), in “communication with doctors,” GCGH ranks 1st in the state, in “responsiveness,” GCGH ranks 4th in the state and in “communication about medications,” GCGH ranks 1st in the state and 45th in the nation (out of 3,473 participating hospitals). GCGH’s “overall rating of hospital” is 8th in the state and 323 in the nation.
According to CMS, these rankings are designed to provide hospitals with a comparative review over time. The rankings are calculated based on survey responses from patients of the hospital.
In addition, according to CMS, hospitals are given between 1 and 5 stars based on their overall performance. GCGH currently has a 4-star rank. The overall star ranking is calculated with quality data collected from 4th quarter 2017 through 4th quarter 2019. On July 31, 2020, CMS released new patient experience star ratings. GCGH was one of 266 hospitals in the nation, and one of only five in Indiana to receive a 5-star rating for patient experience. National and state ranks are calculated on hospital performance levels and are intended to show hospital performance relative to its peers. Hospital counts change from quarter to quarter due to case count minimums and changing reporting practices by CMS.
GCGH’s Chief of Clinical Quality, Jill Raines, MBA, MSN, RN and GCGH’s clinical staff have worked diligently to improve GCGH’s performance. For example, pharmacy, nursing and physicians partnered to increase patient medication education and improve the communication between patients, nurses and physicians.
GCGH is proud to serve the residents of Greene County and continues to strive for excellence. We encourage patients to fill out surveys they receive after a hospital or My Clinics visit. We welcome feedback from our community.