Greene County General Hospital is thrilled to announce a partnership with the faith-based air ambulance organization, Grace on Wings. Grace on Wings, based in Indianapolis, is a nonprofit organization that provides cost-effective transportation of medical patients in the United States via aviation. The GCGH and Grace on Wings partnership stems from GCGH’s Medical Director of Emergency Services, Michael Gamble, MD also serving as the Medical Director for Grace on Wings. In this role, Dr. Gamble approves and reviews flights while utilizing GCGH as a supervisory hospital for the organization.
Grace on Wings is sustained by supporter donations and a volunteer staff of professional registered nurses, respiratory therapists and paramedics. The need for long distant patient transfer has risen due to an increase in the specialization of hospitals and treatment centers. Since the cost of commercial air ambulance is an expense that most insurances do not cover, Grace on Wings volunteers provide this service at a reduced cost to those in need.
To qualify for the service a patient must be non-ambulatory, require a medical flight over 150 miles, have a physician’s order to fly, and have an accepting physician or hospice. With the assistance of donors, Grace on Wings has been able to relocate patients with stroke, trauma, cancer, sepsis, prematurity, and renal and liver failure among other ailments.
The Grace on Wings fleet includes two pressurized Mitsubishi MU-2 turboprop aircrafts with Dash 10 engines. The aircrafts carry IV fluids and medications on-board as well as cardiac monitors, defibrillator pacers, blood pressure monitors, portable ventilators, IV fluids and other medical equipment. For more information on America’s only charity air ambulance, Grace on Wings, visit their website: