During the August 18, 2020 GCGH public board meeting, the GCGH Board of Trustees welcomed Cheryl Hamilton, Executive Director of the Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce, to the GCGH Board of Trustees. After Cheryl was unanimously voted to serve on the board, she publicly recited the Board of Trustees’ “Oath of Office.”
The board also approved an annual update to the GCGH disaster recovery plan, information management downtime plan and security plan. During her administrative report, Brenda Reetz, GCGH CEO, reported that the GCGH foundation has partnered with IU School of Public Health and Purdue Extension to update Greene County’s healthy needs assessment. The data from these assessments are commonly used to apply for grants. Reetz also reported that, according to a quarterly report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), GCGH ranks high in several hospital performance categories relative to state and national performance standards. Reetz also mentioned that GCGH is one of 266 hospitals in the nation, and one of only five in Indiana to receive a 5-star rating for patient experience.
In old hospital business, it was reported that, due to COVID-19, the AirEvac project is on hold until further notice.
No public comments were recorded and the next GCGH board meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2020.