Guest Post: GCGH Foundation Director, Kyle Cross
I came across this article, and thought it really hit close to home, literally: Why Give to Small or Local Nonprofit Organizations?
The Huffington Post released this article to give the reasons why giving locally matters more than giving to other, larger organizations. I found myself nodding my head in agreement as I read contributor, Jessica Kidd’s perspective.
While you read her article, consider the following:
Greene County General Hospital Foundation is 100% local. That means very little overhead and money is going straight from you to the people you care about right here in your community. No big city administrators or international dues. Just real philanthropy.
GCGH Foundation knows where every dollar is being spent. Smaller organizations have less money to work with, so donor dollars – and cents – are extremely important to us. That means your money makes a bigger impact on the issues you want to address, or the causes you wish to support.
GCGH Foundation is making a difference for the people you know. That neighbor who got a 3D mammogram and was able to take care of a cancer diagnosis before it got out of hand. Those babies who are growing into children – who made it through to thier first birthdays becasue of the Sweet Dreams Baby Bundles program…it’s your money, your community, your power to make a difference right here.
As we begin a new year, consider supporting your local non-profits. The GCGH Foundation is a great vehicle to make real change in your community.
Not sure what your local not for profit (including the GCGH Foundation) is doing in your community? Visit our website at or call the Foundation at 812-699-4438. Let’s make 2018 a year of LOCAL Giving.